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  • Writer's pictureJustin Tilghman, Ph.D.

How Personality Tests Can Help You Understand Yourself Better

Personality tests have long been a subject of fascination and debate. While some people swear by their accuracy, others question their validity. However, one thing is clear: personality tests can offer valuable insights into understanding yourself better. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of taking personality tests and how they can contribute to your personal growth journey.

Why Personality Tests Matter

Understanding your personality type can be a game-changer in various aspects of your life, from your career to relationships. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you navigate life's challenges more effectively.


The first step towards personal growth is self-awareness. Personality tests can provide a structured way to understand your behavior, motivations, and preferences.

Career Advancement

Many organizations use personality tests during the hiring process. Knowing your personality type can give you an edge and help you find a job that aligns with your natural inclinations.

Improved Relationships

Understanding your personality type can also improve your interpersonal relationships. It helps you understand why you react a certain way and how to interact better with others who have different personality types.

Popular Personality Tests

There are various types of personality tests, each with its unique focus and methodology. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

  • Enneagram

  • Big Five Personality Traits

How to Make the Most of Personality Tests

While personality tests can be enlightening, it's essential to approach them with a balanced perspective.

Be Honest

The accuracy of your results depends on your honesty. Answer the questions as truthfully as possible for the most accurate insights.

Don't Box Yourself In

Remember, you are more than a label. Use the insights as a guide, not a definitive description of who you are.

Consult Multiple Sources

It's a good idea to take multiple tests and consult various resources for a well-rounded view of your personality.

Final Thoughts

Personality tests are a valuable tool in your self-discovery journey. They offer insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and can guide you towards a more fulfilling life. So, if you haven't taken a personality test yet, maybe it's time to give it a try.


Dr. Justin Tilghman is a board-certified life and master mental health coach who specializes in helping clients live purposeful, meaningful, fulfilling, and balanced lives that make the most of their God-given potential. He is also a Fellow Member of the Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School Affiliate.

Justin is a Board Certified Advanced Life Coach with the Board of Christian Life Coaching, a division of the International Board of Christian Care and the American Association of Christian Counselors. He has demonstrated knowledge and application of biblical integration in coaching, the ICCA and ICF Core Competencies, the Code of Ethics, and the ICF definition of coaching.


Justin is a Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach with the Board of Mental Health Coaching, a division of the International Board of Christian Care and the American Association of Christian Counselors. He has demonstrated knowledge and application of biblical integration in providing ethical and competent mental health coaching.

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